In the case of an Emergency, do not hesitate. On May 2, 2013, the “Overdose Prevention Act” (aka The Good Samaritan Law) was signed into law in the State of New Jersey. (N.J.S.A.2C:35:30; 2C:35-31).  This law provides legal protection in the form of immunity from arrest, prosecution or conviction for a use or simple possession drug charge when a person, in good faith, seeks medical assistance for him/herself or for another. The request for medical assistance that triggers the law’s immunity feature may be made by means of the 911 telephone emergency system or by any other means.  If you have the slightest concern, suspicion, uneasiness – DO NOT FEAR PROSECUTION OR ARREST, CALL 911.

The Law also allows (NJSA 24:6J-3) for distribution of NARCAN to individuals at risk or “members of their families or peers” who have received patient overdose information, instructions for administrations and are in a “position to assist” a potential overdose victim.  All Police and EMS are required to carry Naloxone.

For the full text of the “Directive to Ensure Uniform Statewide Enforcement of the “Overdose Protection Act” dated June 25, 2013 and a copy of the law please go to:



          CVS/pharmacy will be dispensing naloxone in their New Jersey locations without a prescription. CVS is in the process of rolling out this new policy, so it is a good idea to reach out to your local store to confirm availability. Contact information for all CVS stores can be found with their online store locator.

          According to CVS, “Over 44,000 people die from accidental drug overdoses every year in the United States and most of those deaths are from opioids, including controlled substance pain medication and illegal drugs such as heroin. Naloxone is a safe and effective antidote to opioid overdoses and by providing access to this medication in our pharmacies without a prescription in more states, we can help save lives,” said Tom Davis, RPh, Vice President of Pharmacy Professional Practices at CVS/pharmacy. 

Tigger House Foundation applauds CVS’s “longstanding commitment in the fight against the nationwide epidemic of prescription drug abuse.”



Other additional Emergency Educational Information Includes: 



 STRATEGY 1: Encourage providers, persons at high risk, family members and others to learn how to prevent and manage opioid overdose.

 STEP 1: CALL FOR HELP (DIAL 911) AN OPIOID OVERDOSE NEEDS IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. An essential step is to get someone with medical expertise to see the patient as soon as possible, so if no EMS or other trained personnel are on the scene, dial 911 immediately. All you have to say is: “Someone is not breathing.” Be sure to give a clear address and/or description of your location.

 For the full SAMSHA Opioid Overdose TOOLKIT:  4742/Overdose_Toolkit_2014_Jan.pdf


  • Webinar - Overdose Responder Training - Emergency Response and Naloxone Use, July, 2014 (30 minutes)

For Laypersons (without any technical knowledge) to respond to an overdose; the webinar describes how to recognize an overdose; how to assess victims and call for and provide emergency assistance to victims; and, how to administer inter-nasal NARCAN to someone experiencing a life-threatening overdose.

Webinar is sponsored by the N.J. Department of Human Services and the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services and can be accessed at:



 Death from an overdose can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to occur.  Opioids suppress the urge to breathe and decrease the brains response to the build-up of carbon dioxide.  Rescue breathing alone can sustain someone until EMS arrives especially if started before the heart stops beating.  Oxygen administration is the cure for overdose. When someone has extremely shallow and intermittent breathing (around one breath every 5-10 seconds) or has stopped breathing and is unresponsive, rescue breathing should be done as soon as possible because it is the quickest way to get oxygen into someone who has stopped breathing. If you are performing rescue breathing, you are getting much needed air into someone’s body who will die without it. The difference between survival and death in an opioid overdose depends on how quickly enough oxygen gets into the person’s body.

 For the full text of this training go to:





When you bring your son or daughter, grandchild, sister or brother to an Emergency Room, there are several things you need to know, but one is primary – YOU ARE THEIR ADVOCATE!

A teenager or young adult suffering from opiate dependency/heroin addiction is not weak or immoral or bad, they are in a hospital emergency room because they are very sick and desperately in need of medical intervention and immediate treatment.  That treatment is a right, not a privilege!

 According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, The American Board of Addiction Medicine and all other Medical Societies of their stature, opiate dependence is a treatable illness.

 IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of the Emergency Room treating Physician and staff to properly assess your family member for the proper level of care they are entitled to; to provide that care; and if they are unable or unwilling to that they explain to you why they cannot or will not treat you family member. 

 If for whatever reason your family member is voluntarily seeking treatment and is not admitted, you have the right TO DEMAND THAT THE HOSPITAL DO THEIR JOB AND REFUSE TO LEAVE until your son, daughter, grandchild, brother or sister is accepted and transferred to an affiliate detox or hospital. 

 Tigger House Foundation is dedicated to achieving a positive impact by reducing the death rate of heroin and opiate addiction.  Turning our children away from our emergency rooms with slips of paper and referrals to programs with waiting lists days, weeks, sometimes months long says our children do not matter; they do not have the right to treatment that others have.  WE BELIEVE THEY DO MATTER! AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHT TO TREATMENT.

For assistance, information, support and/or if you wish to join those fighting for Parity for those with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues please go to:

If you feel your rights have been violated a resource available to you at their site is:





          Your family member struggling with opiates and heroin is not a “drug addict” who then happens to be a person; they are first a person with a heart, talents, skills, hopes, aspirations, dreams, friends, family and a life who happens to be “opiate dependent” or “addicted to drugs” and feels it all slipping away as the drugs take over their lives.

 Your Primary Care Physician, in conjunction with an Addiction Counseling Specialist and Mutual support group affiliation (of which there are many) can be your first line of defense.

 The American Society of Addiction Medicine recently released, The National Practice Guideline for the Use of Medications in the Treatment of Addiction Involving Opioid Use

 The Practice Guideline is a timely resource as the United States is currently experiencing an opioid epidemic. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 2.1 million Americans live with pain reliever opioid addiction disease, while 467,000 Americans live with heroin opioid addiction disease…. According to Dr. Jeffrey Goldsmith, ASAM President, “Opioid addiction is a chronic, life-threatening disease with significant medical, emotional, criminal justice and societal costs….”

 According to SAMSHA, in the State of New Jersey in 2015, the number of DATA-certified physicians who are eligible to provide buprenorphine treatment for opioid dependency are:

 Certified Physicians with 30 Patients: 71

Certified Physicians with 100 Patients: 32

 In an ongoing effort to engage Primary Care Physicians in the treatment and ongoing care of their patients with opiate dependence, ASAM is offering in affiliation with other national support services, access to education and the necessary DEA Waiver.  At this time 10,000 Physicians have registered through

 The full text of the National Practice Guidelines can be found at:

 Tigger House Foundation is dedicated to achieving a positive impact by reducing the death rate of heroin and opiate addiction.  If a loved one is suffering from opiate/heroin dependence and your Primary Care/Family Physician is not yet involved in the treatment of this medically treatable disease that affects the whole person, as well as the whole family, it is your right and your responsibility to ask why and encourage them to do so.


 DMHAS sanctions a full continuum of care by independent substance abuse treatment provider agencies, which utilize the American Society of Addiction Medicine patient placement criteria.

 The Agencies in Monmouth County Licensed by DMHAS can be found at:



 Tigger House Foundation is dedicated to achieving a positive impact by reducing the death rate of heroin and opiate addiction.  There are many individual and group practices that have specialized in the treatment of addiction for many years in Monmouth County.  We will soon be establishing and will continue to expand our Tigger House Referral List.  Please send us your Curriculum Vitae if you would like to be included.




Narcotics Anonymous (NA) An international association of recovering drug addicts.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) The world's leading 12-step fellowship, designed to help people overcome drinking problems. www.aa. org

Cocaine Anonymous A program to help people recover from cocaine addiction.

Crystal Meth Anonymous A program to help people recover from crystal meth addiction.

Debtors Anonymous A program to help people recover from compulsive spending and debt

Dual Recovery Anonymous An organization for people with a dual diagnosis of chemical dependence and an emotional or psychiatric illness.

Gamblers Anonymous A program to help people recover from addiction to gambling.

Marijuana Anonymous A program to help people recover from marijuana addiction.

Nicotine Anonymous A program offering support to people trying to quit smoking.

Sexaholics Anonymous A program helping people to achieve sexual sobriety.

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous A program helping people with sex and love addictions.



Moderation Management A behavioral program and support group network to help people to reduce their drinking and make other lifestyle changes.

Rational Recovery A program offering self-recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Smart Recovery A self-empowering addiction recovery support group.

Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS) A non-profit network of groups to help alcoholics or drug addicts who are uncomfortable with the spiritual content of 12-step programs achieve and maintain sobriety.

Women For Sobriety A nonprofit self-help organization helping women to overcome alcoholism and other addictions.



Co-Dependents Anonymous A program that helps people with codependency problems to learn to form healthier relationships.

Nar-Anon Family Groups A 12-step program to help relatives and friends recover from the effects of living with an addict.

Adult Children of Alcoholics A 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.

Al-Anon / Alateen A 12-step program for friends and families of problem drinkers.

Children of Alcoholics Foundation A nonprofit organization that provides educational materials and services to help professionals, children, and adults dealing with parental addiction.

Families Anonymous A 12-step program for the families and friends of people with addiction.

National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) An organization advocating for children and families affected by alcoholism and other drug dependencies.

The Partnership at Helping parents prevent, intervene and find treatment for their children using science and communications based resources.

Road Recovery Helps young people battle addiction (and other adversities) via entertainment industry professionals who have confronted similar crises and now wish to collaborate with young people to create and present live-concert events.

SuboXone TalkZone A place for addicts and those who love them to discuss addiction, particularly addiction to opiates (pain pills).

Tigger House Foundation is dedicated to achieving a positive impact by reducing the death rate of heroin and opiate addiction.  We strongly encourage you to reach out for the support of others who can identify with you, encourage you and give you strength and hope.



MHANJ - Mental Health Association in New Jersey

The Mental Health Association in New Jersey (MHANJ) has launched NJ Connect for Recovery, the only call line in New Jersey dedicated to providing counseling specifically to individuals and families who are coping with addiction to heroin and prescription painkillers. This valuable new initiative has been established to help address the severe opiate misuse problem, which has reached epidemic proportions in our state. 

In Monmouth County: The Mental Health Association of Monmouth County

Drug Court Program  Vicinage 9: Monmouth.

The mission of drug courts is to stop the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and related criminal activity. Drug courts are a highly specialized team process within the existing Superior Court structure that addresses nonviolent drug-related cases. They are unique in the criminal justice environment because they build a close collaborative relationship between criminal justice and drug treatment professionals. 


Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse 

GCADA was established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2BB from which the Council executes three core functions:  policy and planning; public awareness and education; and, the administration of the Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program. The Council is an active and collaborative participant in the planning and coordination of New Jersey's addiction prevention, treatment, prevention policy and services, both through the development of a Comprehensive State Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Master Plan, submitted annually to the Governor and State Legislature, and its Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program, the largest network of community-based anti-drug coalitions in the nation.

New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

The Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services was created by merging the Division of Addiction Services and the Division of Mental Health Services during State Fiscal Year 2011.  The Division is responsible for the development, coordination and operational support of a comprehensive mental health and addiction services. DAS seeks to decrease misuse or abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by supporting the development of a comprehensive network of prevention, intervention and treatment services.




Faces & Voices of Recovery A national nonprofit organization working to mobilize, organize and rally Americans in a campaign to end discrimination, broaden understanding and achieve a just response to addiction.

Join Together A Boston University School of Health project supporting effective drug and alcohol policy and providing information on current policy and legislative issues, political advocacy, and a large online database and documents library.

American Council for Drug Education A subsidiary organization of Phoenix House that develops programs and materials based on recent scientific research advances.

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America A national prevention organization that trains local anti-drug coalitions to assess and tackle drug problems in their communities.

Do It Now Foundation A non-profit publisher of alcohol, substance abuse, and health information, targeting audiences including middle school, high school and college students.

Drug Policy Alliance An anti-drug war group that promotes drug policies “based on science, compassion, health, and human rights.”

Drug Strategies An organization that supports private and public efforts to reduce demand for drugs through prevention, education, treatment, law enforcement and community initiatives.

Fighting Back A partnership of businesses, communities and government agencies working together to fight substance abuse in their communities.

Harm Reduction Coalition A national advocacy group that promotes programs to tackle adverse effects of drug abuse, such as overdose, HIV, hepatitis C, addiction, and incarceration.

Legal Action Center An organization that fights discrimination against people with histories of addiction, by providing legal services, policy advocacy, research, and training.

Marin Institute An alcohol industry watchdog that disseminates and collates information on alcohol use, problems, and policies.

Medical Assisted Treatment A site aiming to raise awareness and acceptance of methadone treatment for substance abuse. 

National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) An organization advocating for children and families affected by alcoholism and other drug dependencies.

National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) An organization that promotes the establishment and funding of special drug courts for drug offenders.

National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) A nonprofit organization that supports the development of effective alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and treatment programs.

National Association on Alcohol, Drugs, and Disability (NAADD) An organization that promotes awareness and education on addiction among people with co-existing disabilities and works to improve access to services, information, and education.

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) A voluntary health organization that fights the stigma and disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.

National Institute for Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism NIAAA supports and conducts research on the impact of alcohol use on human health and well-being. It is the largest funder of alcohol research in the world.

Off The Wagon - The National Organization of Students Against Substance Abuse.  The following link provides in detail the signs, symptoms, and treatment of teen drug abuse.

Partnership for a Drug-Free America A nonprofit coalition of scientists, communications professionals and parenting experts seeking to reduce demand for drugs through anti-drug advertising and other forms of media communication.

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention An agency run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that provides leadership in the federal effort to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug problems.

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) A site run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration listing federal resources and prevention materials on alcohol and other drugs.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) A component of the National Institutes of Health that supports and conducts research on the causes, consequences, treatment, and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.

National Alcohol and Drug Recovery Month An annual event run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to promote substance abuse treatment and recovery.

Office of National Drug Control Policy A component of the Executive Office of the President that features White House drug policy initiatives, programs, resources and press releases.

Safe & Drug Free Schools Program A federal program to reduce drug, alcohol and tobacco use, and violence, in schools, through education and prevention activities.




American Society of Addiction Medicine
ASAM's mission is to increase access to and improve the quality of addiction treatment; to educate physicians and other health care providers and the public; to support research and prevention; to promote the appropriate role of the physician in the care of patients with addiction; and to establish addiction medicine as a primary specialty recognized by professional organizations, governments, physicians, purchasers and consumers of health care services, and the general public.

Brown Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies  A department at Brown University that promotes the prevention, and treatment of alcohol and other drug use problems through research, education, training and policy advocacy.

Center for Substance Abuse Research A research center based at the University of Maryland that collects, analyzes, and disseminates information on substance abuse and related

Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems A group based at the George Washington University Medical Center that works with policymakers, employers and communities to provide research-based information and tools to curb avoidable alcohol-related health care costs and improve access to treatment.

Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study Pioneered at Harvard in 1993, this is the first wide-ranging study to assess the extent of drinking among college students, finding binge drinking rates around 44 %.

Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention An organization funded by the US Department of Education that supports higher education institutions in trying to address alcohol and other drug problems.

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) A membership-based nonprofit organization that sponsors myriad scientific studies and clinical investigations of psychoactive drugs, such as MDMA and marijuana.

National Center on Alcohol and Substance Abuse (CASA) A research and policy think tank housed at Columbia University, publishing studies on all forms of substance abuse, with online resources for community advocacy and updates on public policy issues.

Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) An international members society that promotes research by enabling scientists and addiction field professionals at different universities and organizations to share and widely disseminate their information and research on alcoholism.

Rutgers University Center of Alcohol Studies Library Based at New Jersey’s Rutgers campus, this institute is dedicated to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge on psychoactive substance use, particularly alcohol.

Scripps Research Institute A research facility that conducts numerous studies on addiction and substance dependence, including marijuana withdrawal.

Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) A society that promotes research and enables scientists and addiction field professionals to share and disseminate information and research findings.




American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) An international membership organization that provides information and resources for psychiatrists specializing in addiction.

American Bar Association – Standing Committee on Substance Abuse A committee of America’s preeminent legal organization that addresses legal and policy issues involving alcohol and drug addiction.

Association for Medical Education and Research (AMERSA) An organization that focuses on the education and training of doctors, nurses, and medical professionals on substance abuse care.

International Council on Alcohol and Addiction A nonprofit organization bringing together national bodies and a wide range of addiction professionals to exchange knowledge, ideas, advice, guidance, expertise, and research about recent addiction advances.

National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) A professional organization designed for addiction care specialists that provides resources and information for people who work in the addiction field.

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) An organization that provides news and policy updates and promotes research-based treatment on behalf of nonprofit and private treatment providers.

Physician and Lawyers for National Drug Policy A national group of physicians and lawyers promoting rational drugs policy and providing research and advocacy resources.




Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) A nonprofit organization that assists addicts who wish to use Medication Assisted Treatment, such as Subutex or Suboxone, in their recovery from opiate addiction.

American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD)An organization that promotes the development of comprehensive methadone treatment services for addicts intreatment programs.

American Medical Association - Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Program A program that provides toolkits for physicians, resources on underage drinking and treatment resources.

American Society for Addiction Medicine (ASAM) An organization providing resources to educate physicians on addiction disease and encourage appropriate treatment for those suffering from addiction.

National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery (NAMA Recovery) An organization of methadone patients, healthcare professionals and their allies, that supports methadone treatment.

National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment (NAABT) A nonprofit organization that helps people in search of treatment find physicians willing to treat opioid dependence with Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone). 

Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) A society that promotes research and enables scientists and addiction field professionals to share and disseminate information and research findings.

Suboxone Assisted Treatment A site aiming to raise awareness of issues around Suboxone treatment for substance abuse.

Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs, SAMSHA, March 2015

Effective medication-assisted treatment has the following desired outcomes:  Prevention of the onset of subjective and/or objective signs of opioid abstinence syndrome for at least 24 hours (opioid agonists); reduction or elimination of drug craving routinely experienced by the patient (opioid agonists or antagonists);  blockage of the euphoric effects of any illicitly acquired, self-administered drug without the patient experiencing or observers noticing undesirable effects (opioid agonists or antagonists).

For the full text please go to:  For the full text please go to:


 The most arduous and important undertaking of the Tigger House Foundation will be our ongoing commitment to establish a network of timely, broad based information which will be disseminated to the community in all areas of education, awareness, prevention, treatment, law enforcement, advocacy, policy change,  research, medicine, recovery and wellness.  We have been very selective in the resources we have provided and will continue to offer only those we feel are of the highest quality.  If you would like to be included in our Tigger House Foundation Resource Directory, please send us your information or contact us directly at   (732)707-0017.